Computer modelling of trans-shoulder forces in motor vehicle accidents.

French, H.G. & Davies, H.P.

It is hypothised that undiagnosed shoulder instability is a major contributor to "whiplash syndrome". The energetic of low to moderate speed rear end collisions were investigated to see if shoulder forces were sufficient to cause structural damage to the glunohumeral ligaments by computer simulation of 16, 24, 32, 40, and 58 and 56 kph rear end collisions. Forces at the shoulder can easily exceed 1780 N in collisions over 32 kph. Results of modelling indicate injuries about the shoulder girdle, including complex instability, should be anticipated following low to moderate speed automobile collisions. Instability associated with MVA's differs both in magnitude and mechanism from the more common sports associated shoulder instability. (Author/publisher)

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C 22650 [electronic version only] /84 / ITRD E112991

International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 7 (2002), No. 1, p. 35-42, 25 ref.

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