Computer simulation of automobile collision. Reconstruction of accidents.

Ishikawa, H.

In analyzing road accidents, it is important to estimate the vehicle behavior and the occupant movement according to the accident site conditions, such as the final vehicle rest position, damage profiles and tire scuffs. For this research, a two-dimensional car-to-car collision model, in which vehicle crash properties and tire forces are considered, has been developed to predict accelerations deformations, trajectories and tire yawmarks of each vehicle.

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B 24908 (In: B 24901 [electronic version only]) /80/ IRRD 292756

In: Proceedings of the 29th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Washin.-ton, D.C.October 1985, P-113-128, 12 fig., 12 graph., 2 tab., 13 ref. SAE 851729.

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