Computers, jobs and transport companies in France.

Sandoval, V.

The aim of the report is to give an up-to-date assessment of the spread of computerisation in transport in France over the last ten years and its impact on employment and transport enterprises, the following themes will be developed: (1) employment in the transport enterprises: employment trends over the last ten years; the situation of transport enterprises over the last ten years; the emergence of modernisation in response to the economic crisis of the 1970's. (2) Computerisation, a gamble in the modernisation of transport enterprises: function and use of computing in transport; trends in the rate of computerisation in transport enterprises; rate of computerisation as a function of size of the enterprises; structure of hardware resources in transport enterprises. (3) Impact of automation on employment: level of skill; skill requirements and new technologies; professional mobility and new technologies. It is concluded that information technology modifies the structure of transport industry but its impact on the level of employment is limited. This paper is presented in an abstract form.

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C 1511 (In: C 1501) /10 /72 / IRRD 813007

In: Transport policy : proceedings of seminar K (P280) held at the 14th PTRC European Transport and Planning Summer Annual Meeting, University of Sussex, July 10-14, 1986, p. 123

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