Concept 21 : een nieuw vervoerconcept in een binnenstedelijke omgeving.

Huiberts, S.J.C.

This paper describes a new transport concept for the inner-city. This concept is concerned with a mobility scenario for the town centre, whose purpose is to reduce the number of cars, scheduled service buses and lorries travelling out of its centre by supplying alternative transport facilities on the outskirts of the town. The decrease in the use of the car and service bus can be compensated for by supplying an electric minibus. At this moment, just such an alternative transport mode is being planned for the centre of the Dutch municipality of Dordrecht. In order to judge the feasibility of a minibus project, projects were looked at which might serve as an example for the situation in Dordrecht. Hence a comparison was made with the city of Trento in Italy and its electric minibus project. It is concluded that the conditions are fulfilled to start a demonstration project with electric minibuses in the centre of the municipality of Dordrecht. This demonstration project can serve as an example for other medium-sized cities in The Netherlands.

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C 950 (In: C 917 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 856951

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1992 : innovatie in verkeer en vervoer, Rotterdam, 26-27 november 1992, p. 629-643

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