Concept an classification of traffic accident causes (part 1).

J. Stannard Baker & H. Laurence Ross.

This is a condensation by once of the first part of a much longer report bearing the same title. A similar condensation of the second part of this report is planned publication as "Analysis of Accidents for Causes". The original report was one of a number of reports prepared in connection wit Experimental Case Studies of Traffic Accidents supported by the United States Public Health Service (RG-5359) United States Bureau of Public Roads (CPR 11-5981) and the Automotive Safety Foundation.

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6 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


89 fo

Evanston, IL, Northwestern University, Evanston, Department of Civil Engineering, 1960

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