Conceptual framework for generic intelligent driver support. Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe DRIVE Project V1041 Generic Intelligent Driver Support Systems (GIDS), Deliverable No. 1.

Smiley, A. & Michon, J.A.

This report deals with the concept of the electronic co-driver, or driver support system, as it is described in Project V1041 of the DRIVE (Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe) Program, under the title Generic Intelligent Driver Support (GIDS). The overall goal of the GIDS project is to determine the requirements and design standards for a class of intelligent co-driver systems which will be maximally consistent with the information, requirements and performance capabilities of the human driver. In this report the concept of Generic Intelligent Driver Support will be clarified, and the GIDS design philosophy explained. This report is a statement of principle, and is not intended as a description of the actual prototype that will be built. (A)

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891475 ST

Haren, University of Groningen RUG, Traffic Research Centre TRC VSC, 1989, 37 p., 4 ref.

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