

This paper reports the conclusions of the seminar on safe and sustainable transport held in March 2002. It was submitted to the Council of Ministers in May 2002. The seminar noted that road safety is not a cause for concern with politicians and that road designers, vehicle engineers, and public and freight transport operators must take more responsibility for safety. The seminar recommended that a culture of quality assurance must be developed for public and commercial transport services; comprehensive road safety policies must be developed and implemented at all levels, including setting death and injury reduction targets; the effectiveness of measures taken should be evaluated as part of the road safety plan; dynamic safety standards should be applied to vehicles, roads and drivers; and governments should encourage a better road safety culture, including promoting environmentally-friendly modes of transport, public/private partnerships, accident investigation and continual dissemination of information. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118917.

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C 26715 (In: C 26714 [electronic version only]) /10 /72 / ITRD E118918

In: Safe and sustainable transport : a matter of quality assurance, OECD, 2003, p. 5-7

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