Conclusions and recommendations.

Horn, B.

This paper describes the expert meeting of the OECD/RTR Seminar on "Advance Road Transport Technologies". It had 25 presentations in four sessions, throughout which the participants, from 13 countries, exchanged their findings and experiences. The themes of the sessions were as follows: (A) the present status, achievements and needs of advanced road traffic technologies and traffic control and management methods, with special reference to alleviating congestion; (B) research and development operations and applications, emphasising the introduction of advanced technologies; (C) new ideas and research activities for advanced technologies, which are expected to have practical applications in the near .practical applications in the near future; and (D) future perspectives for advanced road transport technologies, including those being developed by the DRIVE and PROMETHEUS programmes in Europe. Requirements for further research were also considered, especially in the areas of road safety and traffic congestion. The paper finally presents ten conclusions and recommendations that were proposed.

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C 5332 (In: C 5303) /73 /91 / IRRD 870104

In: Proceedings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Seminar on Advanced Road Transport Technologies TT3, Omiya, Japan, June 6 - June 9, 1994, p. 355-358

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