Concrete median barrier research. Volume 1: Executive Summary.

Bronstad, M.E. Calcote, L.R. & Kimball, C.E.

A comprehensive research program was conducted to appraise performance of concrete median barriers. Investigations included twenty-four crash tests which evaluated performance of barrier profiles, precast designs, and end treatments. Theoretical investigations using mathematical crash simulation program identified a new barrier shape which was crash tested to compare performance with currently used profiles. Load and stability criteria were determined from experiments and used to analyse barrier alternatives. Three crash tests examined performance of the CMB when impacted at 45 and 55 mph by a 40,000-lb intercity bus. Accident data were collected and analysed for in-service performance of the concrete median barrier. State-of-the-art investigations provide summary of state practice and specific CMB details. Cost factors are discussed for concrete median barrier construction. This research is considered applicable to concrete bridge parapets. This volume is the first of two.

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B 13667 /85.1 / IRRD 230490

San Antonio, TX, Southwest Research Institute, 1976, 84 p., fig., graph., ref.; FHWA-RD-77-3

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