Conditioning of an interoceptive drug stimulus to different exteroceptive contexts.

Järbe, T.U.C. Sterner, U. & Hjerpe, C.

Two experiments are described showing that a pentobarbital versus saline discrimination can be differentially conditioned to different external contexts. In experiment 1, rats differentiated two T-shaped mazes (one water maze and one electrified maze). In experiment 2, the external stimuli were the presence and absence of light during training in the electrified T-maze. These experiments constitute the first examples where a single drug versus nondrug discrimination has been conditioned to different external contexts requiring an opposite response pattern by the same animal. The data are in accordance with a stimulus interpretation of drug discrimination learning.

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B 16729 /01/83/

Uppsala, University of Uppsala, Department of Psychology, 1980, 16 p., fig., graph., tab., ref. Report No. 272 / Also published in: Psychopharmacology, Volume 73, Number 1 (March 1981), p. 23-26

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