Conference debate - restoring the anti-skid properties of pavements.

Leyder, J.P. & Van-Heystraeten, G.

This report deals with the analysis and the use of a survey carried out amongst the PIARC working committee on skid resistance and evenness of flexible and concrete highways. The 50 states of the USA have also been consulted as well as the district of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Chapters 1 and 2 deal with general questions concerning this survey. Chapter 3 presents a classification of the contents of the document. Chapter 4 describes in a detailed fashion, technique by technique, the information received from various viewpoints: general information; detailed technical information; results obtained; conclusions. Chapter 5 contains a summary of the information received on the following: area of application; limitations of and obstructions to the execution to particular measures; costs, effectiveness and durability; particular problems linking the restoring methods to stresses in the surfacing; choice of the best methods for particular cases. The conclusion in chapter 6 deals with systematic experiments at international level on different solutions, the choice of which was part of the present study. For the covering abstract, see IRRD abstract no 104484.

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C 51445 (In: B 12397 [electronic version only]) /23 / IRRD 104495

In: Proceedings of the 15th World Road Congress, Mexico, 1975, 89 p, 25 ref.

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