The conference "Road Safety in Europe", held in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998. Theme: Drugs, alcohol and medication as threats to road safety.

Joó, S. Tunbridge, R. Rowe, D. Berghaus, G. Friedel, B. Emsbach, M. DeVol, D.M. Poppelreuter, S. Mueller, C. & Salk, J.

At the conference "Road Safety Europe" held in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, one of the themes was "Drugs, alcohol and medication as threats to road safety". Five of the papers presented within this framework were: Driving under the influence of drugs and medicaton aspects from Germany's point of view (Joó, S.); The incidence of drugs in road accidents fatalities in Great Britain (Tunbridge, R. and Rowe, D.); How to make useable research results on medicines and driver fitness to physicians? (Berghaus, G. and Friedel, B.); The use of ambivalence in a campaign against driving home from a discotheque under the influence of alcohol (Emsbach, M.); Pilot study on alcohol prevention among young drivers (PAFF) - A new method of psychological intervention towards higher road safety (DeVol, D.M., Poppelreuter, S., Mueller, C. and Salk, J.).

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C 21676 (In: C 21670 S) /83 / ITRD E206948

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, VTI Konferens No. 10A, Part 4, p. 1-32 + p. 77-84 + p. 93-128

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