The conference "Road Safety in Europe", held in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998. Theme: Recommendations for speed management strategies and policies.

Draskóczy, M. Mocsári, T. Risser, R. Lehner, U. Várhelyi, A. Mäkinen, T. Oei, H.-l. & Comte, S.

At the conference "Road Safety Europe" held in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, one of the themes was "Speed management and road safety - EU-project MASTER". Five of the papers presented within this framework were: Present speeds and speed management methods in Europe (Draskóczy, M. and Mocsári, T.); Acceptability of speeds and speed limits to drivers and pedestrians (Risser, R. and Lehner, U.); Field trials with an in-car speed limiter (Várhelyi, A. and Mäkinen, T.); The effect of enforcement on speed behaviour: a literature study (Oei, H.-l.); The effect of automatic speed control on driver behavioural adaptation (Comte, S.).

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C 21702 (In: C 21698 S) /73 /82 /83 / ITRD E206954

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, VTI Konferens No. 10A, Part 10, p. 41-94, 17 ref. + p. 107-132, 8 ref.


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