Conflicts and crashes : a tale of three strip shopping centres.

Midson, K.

A study was conducted of three strip shopping centres with similar characteristics in the greater Hobart area and the crash performance was critically examined and compared against traffic volumes, pedestrian activity, parking activity and adjacent land use. Whilst many of the crash trends were similar between the three selected sites, there were some distinct differences that were of interest. The major reasons for the differences between the crash types and crash numbers between the sites were mainly associated with adjacent land use, pedestrian activity and layout of the main roads through the sites in terms of intersection control. Absolute traffic volumes appeared to play a lesser role in the crash rates compared to these other factors. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E212956.

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C 39614 (In: C 39601 CD-ROM) /82 /73 / ITRD E212969

In: Priority treatment : juggling competing demands : conference papers 2005 AITPM National Conference, Sofitel Brisbane, 27-29 July 2005, p. 251-270

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