Congestion and incident management in signalised networks controlled by the SCOOT UTC system.

Bretherton, D. Wood, K. & Radia, B.

Traffic congestion is an increasing problem in many cities today. The main cause of congestion is over-saturation of the networks but the situation is made worse by the occurrence of incidents. The SCOOT Urban Traffic Control system is now operating in over 170 cities worldwide. This paper reports on the current program of work to provide additional facilities to SCOOT to assist in the detection and management of incidents and congestion. The new experimental system has been trialled in the Kingston area of London in combination with rerouteing advice displayed on a Variable Message Sign (VMS). The setting of the VMS is based on an algorithm that uses data from the SCOOT system. Additional testing of the system has been carried out using simulation to determine the best response to incidents that cause a reduction in capacity in the network. (A*)

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C 19687 (In: C 19519 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E110495

In: ITS: smarter, smoother, safer, sooner : proceedings of 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), held Toronto, Canada, November 8-12, 1999, Pp-

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