Construction of reinforced concrete pavement by the slip-form method.

Deshaye, B. & Fournier, R.

Over the last 10 years, some 5,000 miles of slip-form pavement have been built in the U.S.A. The method has proved its worth for such varied applications as airport runways, parking areas testing grounds, irrigations canals etc. The machine itself was modified in order to increase production and versality. Present tests involve the addition of mixers to the train. The Quebec Department of Roads is, for its part satisfied with the results obtained and sincerely hopes that similar progress will develop in all other fields of highway construction and maintenance.

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A 2619 (In: A 2611)

In: Proceedings of the 1967 Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association, September 25-28, 1967, p. 203-213

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