Construction of a vibration simulation model for the transportation of wheelchair-bound passengers.

Kawai, K. & Matsuoka, Y.

Against discomfort of vehicles for wheelchair users, countermeasures such as a vibration absorber are required. To determine the optimal characteristics of the absorber, the authors had proposed the Comfort Evaluation Prediction System (CEPS) that can predict subjective evaluation from floor vibration, considering passengers' constitutions and wheelchair types. The purpose of this paper is to construct a model that simulates the vibration transmitted to the passenger as part of the CEPS. The authors modelled a wheelchair-bound passenger and estimated unknown parameters by the result of a modal experiment. Then, some simulations were carried out to suggest the applicability of the model. (A)

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C 19279 (In: C 19254) /92 / ITRD E206505

In: Human factors in 2000 : driving, lighting, seating comfort, and harmony in vehicle systems : papers presented at the 2000 SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, March 6-9, 2000, SAE Technical Paper 2000-01-0645, p. 213-218, 11 ref.

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