The continuous time link based dynamic network loading problem : some theoretical considerations on the respect of FIFO rule.

Astarita, V.

The evaluation and application of real-time control strategies can be obtained only with dynamic models. In this view, static traffic assignment models that are the basic tool to stimulate link flows on transportation networks and the resulting link performances, such as travel times, congestion, pollution and energy consumption, may be inadequate. The extension of within-day static models to take into account within-day dynamics is by no means straightforward, since within-day dynamic supply modelling requires completely new definitions and formulation of the problem. In this paper the conditions for FIFO rules respect and for the right description of flow propagation are thoroughly investigated for time investigated for time continuous link models. Three different algorithms are presented to solve a model based on travel time formulation and link models are compared to continuous models to establish advantages and disadvantages of different dynamic loading methods.

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C 8540 (In: C 8512) /71 /72 / IRRD 889328

In: Transportation planning methods I : proceedings of seminar D (P404-1) held at the 24th PTRC European Transport Forum, Brunel University, England, September 2-6, 1996, 14 p.

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