CONTRAM : a computer suite for modelling road congestion.

White, C. Taylor, N. & Hounsell, N.

This paper describes the CONTRAM assignment model and its recent development with particular reference to Road Transport Informatics applications. The CONTRAM model, programmes in the CONTRAM suite and new developments are first considered. MCONTRAM is described. This is an enhanced form developed for modelling motorways and inter-urban road networks including facilities for Variable Message Signs and their effect on driver rerouting. The development of ROGUS and RGCONTRAM for dynamic route guidance modelling is discussed. The use of RGCONTRAM in DRIVE projects is outlined. Further developments to address longer periods of over capacity and to take advantage of hardware and software developments are considered.

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C 20714 (In: C 20695) /71 / IRRD 866046

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 106-110, 10 ref.

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