A contribution to the problems of controlled coordinated crossings.

Sykal, F.

Operational-transport situation in our towns is steadily getting worse due to vehemently increasing motorization. The building, technical and organizational measures are not carried out at a desirable speed and so the disproportion between the requirements of traffic and the meeting of its needs is rather increasing. The presented contribution starts from the knowledge of these conditions and is aimed at the solution of the limiting members in the traffic system of a town first, i.e. traffic centres. In such points of the communication network this problem must be solved especially sensitively, particularly if the middle-size and larger towns are in question where no higher system of traffic light control is considered in the near future. The author suggest an effective proceeding illustrated in bigger and narrower correlation by diagrams, vividly expressing mutual links of a numerical, tabular and graphical solution, supported by the corresponding criteria of appreciation.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 10169 fo /73/

Brno, Technical University, 1973, 6 p., 2 fig., 6 ref.

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