The control of an articulated semi-trailer vehicle.

Ben-Ari, S. & Ellis, J.R.

The well established simulations of the non-linear articulated vehicle is employed as the system to be directed by a control system which has certain characteristics of the driver. A survey of previous "driver" models has led to the proposal that the control system should be precognitive with a time delay. The model chosen looks ahead of the vehicle by a certain distance and compasses the target position with the position that the vehicle attain if no correction is applied to the steering.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 10584 (In: B 10437) /91/ IRRD 215667

In: Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Safety Legislation, Cranfield, United Kingdom, July 1973, p. 115-123, 8 fig., 2 tab., 9 ref.

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