A controlled evaluation of group driver improvement meetings.

Coppin, R.S.

The results of this research into the effectiveness of a group driver improvement meeting suggest that consideration be given to the following recommendations: (I) That groupdriver improvement meetings be use as one phase of the present driver improvement program of the California Department of Motor vehicles. The facts supporter by this study and the potential economies justify the use of this approach in selected cases; (II) That a selected group of driver improvement analysts be trained in the use of this approach in order to insure maximum results; (3) That consideration be given to extending the length of the group meeting by using films and other materials, similar to the approach used in New York; (4) That proper data collection procedures be established at headquarters and in the field to allow for further research into defining the optimum program. For example, exploration of the following: (a) What is the optimum number of subjects to schedule at one time? (b) Should selection be made on the basis of age? (c) Should persons with similar "bad" driving habits be grouped together? (5) That a stronger notice to appear for meeting be developed in order to reduce the high non-appearance rate.

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Sacramento, CA, California Department of Motor Vehicles (CAL-DMV), 1961, Pp; Report No. 9

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