A coordinated, multiple wheeled mobile robot system for AHS maintenance and construction.

Velinsky, S.A. & Feng, X.

This paper discusses a system of multiple wheeled mobile robots (MWMRs) that are co-ordinated to accomplish complex tasks related to maintenance and construction in an Automated Highway System (AHS). The robots are tethered to a support vehicle for accurate relative positioning, power, and other necessary supplies. The mechanical and control architectures are described. Developments on a user interface are discussed, and a sample system architecture for a specific AHS task is described.

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C 16626 (In: C 16623) /61 /50 / ITRD E203774

In: Advances in Intelligent Transportation System design : papers presented at the Future Transportation Technology International Conference, San Diego, California, August, 6-8, 1997, SAE Technical Paper 972654, p. 15-23, 13 ref.

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