Coordinating transportation services for the elderly and handicapped. Volume I: statutory and regulatory analysis of incentives and barriers to coordinating transportation services for the elderly and handicapped.

Cutler, D.A.

The report contains the findings and conclusions of a two-part study of coordinating transportation for the elderly and handicapped. Part I analyzes the incentives and barriers to coordinated transportation that appear in the statutes and regulations governing eight Federal programs. The document is intended as a guide for planners and providers of human service transportation, to alert them to opportunities for coordination that exist within the framework of the Federal programs included in the study and to the barriers posed by certain regulatory provisions. The model billing and accounting system has been reviewed and discussed in terms of its applicability at the local level with each of the programs included in the study, as well as with officials of OMB, GAO, and HEW.

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B 18501 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, DC, Department of Transportation, Office of Environment & Safety, 1979, 158 p., fig., tab., ref.; DOT-OS-60180

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