Coordination of diamond interchanges with adjacent traffic signals.

Chaudhary, N.A. Chu, C. Balke, K.N. & Kovvali, V.G.

This report contains the documentation of research conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) during a two-year project funded by the Texas Department of Transportation. The primary objective of this project was to develop guidelines for coordinating diamond interchanges with adjacent traffic signals on the arterial. The report begins with a presentation of the current status of technology and state-of-practice for timing diamond interchanges in Texas. In addition, the report provides a detailed analysis of various control strategies. The report describes a new methodology for estimating the capacity of interchanges and provides guidelines for coordinating an interchange with adjacent traffic signals. Finally, the report presents the results of two field studies conducted by researchers to evaluate the methods developed in this project. (Author/publisher)

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C 49700 [electronic version only]

College Station, TX, Texas A & M University, Texas Transportation Institute TTI, 2000, X + 93 p., 60 ref.; Report 7-4913-1 / TX-00/4913-1

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