Correlation between modes of drinking and modes of driving as reported by students at two American universities.

Clapp, J.D. Shillington, A.M. Lange, J.E. & Voas, R.B.

This paper examines the correlates and predictors of driving under the influence behaviors (DUIBs) during the past month by college students. Measures of heavy episodic drinking, monthly drinking frequency, monthly drinking variance, monthly drinks per occasion and reported marijuana use are compared as predictors net of other predictive factors. A cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted with college students by a university social science research laboratory. Respondents attended two large public universities located in the southwestern part of the US. Participants included 803 randomly selected college students. The interview schedule included items from the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey and the College Alcohol Risk Assessment Guide. Several additional last-drinking-event items were also developed for the interview. Bivariate analyses indicate that marijuana use (past year), heavy episodic drinking, reports of DUIBs (driving under the influence or riding with a driver who is under the influence) in the past year, monthly frequency of drinking, the average number of drinks consumed when drinking and age are correlates of DUIBs during the past month. Multivariate analyses indicate past year DUIBs, monthly frequency of drinking and monthly marijuana use predicted recent DUIB. (Author/publisher).

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I E116745 /83 / ITRD E116745

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2003 /03. 35(2) Pp161-6 (16 Refs.)

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