Correlation of socioeconomic factors with corridor travel demand. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, Washington, D.C., January 1974.

Brown, G.R.

Internal relationships between the socioeconomic characteristics of commuters and the transportation service characteristics they value in their choice of mode for work trips are examined. The study is specifically concerned with (1) correlation of selected socioeconomic factors of individuals with their choice of travel attributes and (b) the effect of socioeconomic factors in causing car drivers to shift modes.

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B 9561 (In: B 8413 S) /72/ IRRD 214886

In: Transportation Research Record TRR No. 499, 1974, p. 34-46, 11 tab., 10 ref. TW:sociology- demand (econ)- journey- economics- journey to work- vehicle ownership- level of service- rapid transit system- corridor (transp)- use- public transport-modal split- bus-

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