Cost-benefit analysis of measures for vulnerable road users : final report of Workpackage 5 of the European research project PROMISING (Promotion of Measures for Vulnerable Road Users), Deliverable D5.


This volume is one of the six deliverables of the European research project PROMISING, on the promotion of mobility and safety of vulnerable road users. The research was carried out by a consortium of European partners, which was co-ordinated by the SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands. This report examines the issues of measuring exposure and relating this to accidents. It concludes that monitoring of exposure is clearly important if valid conclusions are to be drawn from changes in casualty numbers. However, the means to monitor exposure accurately, especially for pedestrians and cyclists, are not routinely available. (A) Also published as Oslo, Institute of Transport Economics TOI, 1999, TOI Report No. 435/1999, ISBN 82-480-0097-4 (see ST 991324).

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20011126 ST [electronic version only]

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2001, 116 p., 76 ref.

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