Cost benefit analysis of Stad shipping tunnel.

Toerset, T. Meland, S. & Bertelsen, D.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration has drawn up plans to build the world's first shipping tunnel for vessels passing Stad peninsula, Norway. Lastyear comprehensive cost benefit analysis was carried out of the 1750 m long shipping tunnel with inner measures of up to 37 m high from the water level, 12 m deep and 36 m wide. The explanation of the huge size is that the Coastal Steamer should be able to use it. Potential users are also freighters, fishing boats, other passenger ships and leisure boats. The Stad area just outside the peninsula has sea which is very unpredictable. The floor conditions with shallow banks close to shore and then very much deeper sea outside of that again, result in waves breaking in several directions,causing rough and difficult sailing conditions. The difference in depth could also create difficult waves a long time after rough wind, and then often as a surprise to the visitor seafarers who typically only would take the current wind conditions into account when they consider where they choose to go. The bad and unpredictable weather conditions represent a huge barrier for the smaller boats. The bigger tankers would typically choose a shipping lane further out in the sea where the sea is deeper and the waves more stable. Elements evaluated in the cost benefit analysis were: increased safety and security at sea; reduced waiting time for vessels; increasedpredictability and regularity for freight; increased availability and collective benefits; transfer of goods from land to sea; and the potential for the tourist industry in Western Norway. Passenger transport was estimated using a rather traditional transport model. The other sea transport was reported from Automatic Identification System for larger ships. Some of the smaller boats had GPS and was registered as part of their safety system.The smallest leisure boats were roughly estimated though information fromthe rescue boats. They run an escort service for leisure boats passing Stad peninsula in both directions during the three summer months. The methods used in the cost benefit analysis were the same as it would have been done to improve the conditions for land transport. There were differences between land and sea transport, some of which were accounted for, and othersthat could not be dealt with properly. Examples are: the assessment of the new public transport service; the assessment of anxiety and incidents like near accidents; the travel time for boats depending on the weather conditions; the choice patterns practiced on board different boats regarding when to travel, which speed and which shipping lane to chose; and climate change and its effect on the weather and sailing conditions. For the covering abstract see ITRD E145999

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C 49310 (In: C 49291 [electronic version only]) /72 /21 /25 /15 /10 / ITRD E146019

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference ETC, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 6-8 October 2008, 14 p.

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