Cost-effectiveness of freeway courtesy patrols in Houston. Paper prepared for the 55th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 1976.

Fambro, D.B. Dudek, C.L. & Messer, C.J.

To enhance safety and to provide assistance and security to motorist, a courtesy patrol has been operating on some of Houston's freeways. A questionnaire study and cost-effectiveness analysis were used to evaluate the operation of the patrol. The questionnaire study indicated that motorists aided by the patrol were in favour of continuation of the program. The cost-effectiveness analysis showed the patrol to have a benefit-cost ratio of 2 to 1.

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B 8871 fo /10/73/ IRRD 228059

College Station, Texas Transportation Institute, 1976, 29 p., fig., tab., ref.

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