Cost-effectiveness of freeway merging control. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, 1971.

Dudek, C.L. & W.R. McCasland

This report is concerned with the cost-effectiveness evaluation of alternate freeway merging control systems. Systems that were evaluated include the following: 1) Analog Satellite System, 2) Digital Satellite System and 3) Digital Central Control System. The methodology used was consistent with a multilevel system design concept. The multilevel approach is directed toward establishing a hierarchy of control that results not only in an efficient system but also one that can be implemented in stages.

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A 7112 IRRD 200733

Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, 1971, 33 p., ref. / Also published in: Highway Research Record HRR, No. 43-59, 9 ref.

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