The cost-effectiveness of safety options for big public school buses in Florida.

Baltes, M.R.

Although the use of safety restraints of various configurations (mainly lap and lap/shoulder belts) can substantially reduce death and injury to persons involved in automobile crashes, evidence of their effectiveness in reducing death and injury in big school buses (gross vehicle weight rating [GVWR] greater than 10.000 pounds) remains uncertain. This article options for big public school buses in Florida. Effectiveness includes the number of deaths and injuries prevented or lessened per year by each safety option per dollar expended. Results show that higher seat-backs are the most cost-effective safety option by offering the greatest increase in safety per dollar expended. Results also indicated that a law mandating the installation and use of lap belts in big school buses in Florida would not be cost-effective and could not be justified based solely on economic grounds. (A)

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C 37145 [electronic version only]

Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 53 (1999), No. 3 (Summer), p. 89-99, 18 ref.

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