Cost of Prince Edward Island fleet operations.

Belfry, M.

This paper was presented at the `Innovations in Highway Maintenance Activities' session. This paper is a review of the annual costing performed by the Prince Edward Island Mechanical Branch. The costing analysis is performed to compare costs of the government fleet to comparable pricing from the private sector. All costs are taken into account, including such hidden costs as insurance, depreciation, inventory carrying charges. (Services provided to the Branch by Government, such as contract negotiation are not included). Costs are then allocated to primary recovery functions: snow control, ice control, hourly activities (includes all other work performed by equipment owned and operated by the Mechanical Branch) and equipment rental (equipment not operated by the Mechanical Branch). (A)

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C 12519 (In: C 12494 CD-ROM) /10 /61 / IRRD 872837

In: Cost-effectiveness through innovation : proceedings of the 1996 Transportation Association of Canada TAC annual conference on CD-ROM, Charlottetown, October 6 to 9, 1996, p. -

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