Costs of underage drinking.

Levy, D.T. Miller, T.R. & Cox, K.C.

Increasingly, underage alcohol use is receiving attention from policymakers and the public. In view of the problems created by underage drinking, it is appropriate that this issue continues to be high on our national agenda, especially since we have so many effective tools for preventing underage drinking. This document provides information about the range of serious health and social problems associated with underage drinking and about their economic costs. The document can be used to * increase awareness that underage drinking is related to a host of serious problems; * inform policymakers and decisionmakers of the importance of preventing underage drinking; * provide information regarding the magnitude of underage drinking problems; * help to set prevention priorities. Significant progress has been made in reducing underage drinking and related problems. If that progress is to be maintained and continued, the issue must be given even wider visibility, and the public and policymakers must develop a more complete understanding of the problems and the costs. This document can help in that effort. (A)

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20021387 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1999, 22 p., 22 ref.; Updated edition

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