Coupling of concurrent macroscopic and microscopic traffic flow models using hybrid stochastic and deterministic disaggregation.

Poschinger, A. Kates, R. & Keller, H.

Past and upcoming research efforts both for integrating motorway and urban control and for integrating individual and collective control measures lead to a demand for the coupling of concurrent macroscopic and microscopic traffic flow models. This paper also addresses the general problem of coupling macroscopic traffic data to microscopic traffic flow models, regardless of their source. Often, the data of interest for an application of microscopic models are only partially specified, i.e. given in an aggregated format. This paper introduces a hybrid disaggregator. In this paper, we report the results of combining a deterministic process and the IMA process to achieve a hybrid that preserves the macroscopic constraints while fulfilling the microscopic quality criteria. This approach uses a combination of stochastic and deterministic models similar to the combination of queuing and continuum flow models shown in Wirasinghe ( 1978). This hybrid disaggregator is used to present a complete and closed mathematical solution for the dynamic coupling of concurrent macroscopic and microscopic traffic flow models. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract No. E208120.

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C 26840 (In: C 26815) /71 / ITRD E208139

In: Transportation and traffic theory in the 21st century : proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 16-18 July 2002, p. 583-605, 9 ref.

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