Crack measures and reference systems for a harmonised crack data collection using automatic systems.

Offrell, P. & Sjögren, L.

The increased use of automatic systems for crack data collection has created some interesting questions about suitable crack measures. Traditional measures are sometimes unsuitable or even impossible to obtain using automatic data collection. However, the efficient and fast automatic crack data collection has also increased the numbers of possible measures that can be calculated from the results. Another issue originated from the need of conformance within Europe as well as globally is the necessity of an acceptable reference system that can be used to compare and accept different systems. This paper discuses different cracks measures and possible reference systems. The need for different measures, based on the level of which the application is intended to, is also discussed. (Author/publisher)

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20051070 b ST S (In: 20051070 ST S)

In: Reprint from the 2nd European Pavement and Asset Management Conference, 21st-23rd March 2004, Berlin, Germany, p. 14-24, 14 ref.

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