Crash-barrier research and application in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, Washington, D.C., January 1973.

Paar, H.G.

Research is carried out by SWOV into the most suitable crash barriers for soft soil and for bridges. Based on a number of requirements, the research resulted in a series of structures that provide optimum protection in soft soil and on bridges under various conditions. The barriers comprise in principle a horizontal beam consisting of 2 W-shaped rails and spacers every 1.33 M, provided if necessary with diagonal bars, and of posts with various structural characteristics. Provisional guidelines are issued and now being used generally on national highways.

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B 9039 (In: B 4972 S) /85.1/ IRRD 213572

In: Highway Research Record HRR No. 460, 1973, p. 40-48, 12 fig., 7 ref.


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