Crash survivability analysis of commuter aircraft seats and restraint systems.

Laananen, D.H.

During the past five years the U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations have been significantly upgraded with respect to seat /restraint system strength and attachment of seats to the aircraft structure. In support of this effort, a research program that includes full- scale aircraft drop tests, sled tests of seats, and computer simulations is being conducted. The objective of this paper is to describe a set of test conditions and acceptance criteria presently under consideration and the concurrent research program for their evaluation.

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B 30610 (In: B 30601) /91 / IRRD 834455

In: Proceedings of the 1990 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Bron-Lyon, France, September 12-13-14, 1990, p. 143-154, 14 ref.

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