Is crash test now too easy?


Four cars were awarded the maximum five stars in the latest Euro NCAP crash tests announced this week, sparking calls for the tests to be toughened up. The Saab 9-3, Mercedes E-class, Renault Megane and Renault Vel Satis all got a five-star rating. The Megane is the smallest car to date to achieve a five-star rating. The majority of the rest of the 14 cars tested scored four stars. Safety campaigners BRAKE now feel the testing should go further to include whiplash tests and would like to see the pedestrian safety rating contributing to the overall score, so car makers are encouraged to make cars safer for pedestrians as well as the occupants. (Author/publisher).

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C 24932 [electronic version only] /91 / ITRD E115803

Autocar, 27 November 2002, p. 18-19

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