Crashworthiness of the subcompact vehicle.

Tanner, R.H.

The study examined the crashworthiness of subcompact vehicles both analytically and experimentally. The analytical studies included statistical accident analysis and dynamic response modeling. Experimental testing to determine baseline performance consisted of ten dynamic impacts at various angles and velocities. The 1974 production Pinto sedan provided adequate crashworthiness for 40 mph BEV aligned frontal impacts, 30 mph BEV offset and oblique frontal impacts, and 12 mph BEV side impacts. A modified design was developed which improved the crashworthiness in the most significant modes. Specifically, the modified design provides safety in the frontal aligned mode to at least 50 mph BEV, in the offset and oblique modes to at least 50 mph, and in the side impact mode to at least 30 mph.

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B 17114

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA / Goleta, CA, Minicars Inc., 1976, 298 p., ref.; DOT HS 801 969

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