Creencias de los conductores españoles sobre la velocidad. [Spanish drivers' beliefs about speed.]

Montoro González, L. Roca Ruiz, J. & Lucas-Alba, A.

Speeding is a major issue of road safety. Extending and updating our knowledge concerning drivers’ motivational and cognitive processes is of essential importance if we are to apply policies with long-lasting effects. This study presents data from a representative national survey analysing the Spanish drivers’ beliefs about speed, the risks of speeding, the degree of violation of speed-limits and the reasons for speeding. Results indicate that Spanish drivers rate speeding as a serious offence, yet not among the most dangerous ones. All in all, they claim to comply mostly with the speed limits. However, some interesting violation patterns emerge: observance is lower for generic speed limits according to road type (vs. specific limits shown by certain road signs), and particularly in motorways (vs. single carriageways and urban areas). Risk perception and reasons for speeding emerge as the main factors predicting the levels of speed violations reported. Results suggest that any effective intervention strategy should consider such factors, namely the link between speed, road safety, and drivers’ specific reasons for speeding. (Author/publisher)

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20102307 ST [electronic version only]

Psicothema, Vol. 22 (2010), No. 4 (November), p. 858-864, 32 ref.

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