Criteria for selecting desirable quantities of coal tar emulsionseal coat components.

Jenkins, S.W. Stroup-Gardiner, M. & Newcomb, D.E.

The use of coal tar seal coats often creates difficulties in the field. In the research described by this paper, tests were developed or modified to measure workability (Brookfield viscosity), cure time (scuff resistance), skid resistance (scuff resistance), cracking (cyclic freeze-thaw conditioning), debonding (adhesion), and fuel resistance. Guidelines were established for determining the preliminary optimum quantities of additive, additional water, and sand for a given set of materials. These procedures are applicable to a wide variety of coal tar sources and types of additives. The procedure may also be used to refine optimum quantities after the preliminary analysis by reducing the range of variables. The reliability of these procedures will be tested on various field sections at the general aviation airport in Stead, Nevada.

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C 15636 (In: C 15630 S) /22 /61 / IRRD 832430

In: Efficiency and effectiveness of pavement maintenance : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1216, p. 46-57, 5 ref.

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