A critique of entropy and gravity in travel forecasting.

Beckman, M.J. & d Golob, T.F.

Entropy maximization has been explored in recent literature as a theoretical approach to the principle of gravity in traffic forecasting. In this paper it is argued that identical results can be obtained without such metaphysical methods. The alternative proposed is utility maximization by travelers, which ties in neatly with consumption theory in economics. The utility approach, moreover, provides a more general framework for prediction and evaluation and allows a unified approach at all levels of transportation system analysis.

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B 11505 (In: B 11501) /71/ IRRD 206949

In: Traffic flow and transportation : proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on the Theory of Traffic flow and Transportation, Berkeley, California, June 16-18, 1971, New York, NY, American Elsevier, 1972, p. 109-117, 4 ref.

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