Cross-median accident experience on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Crosby, J.R.

Cross-median accidents are analyzed over a seven-year period. Studies show that: (1) head-on collisions represented less than 3% of the total accidents but accounted for 22% of the fatalities, (2) there is no apparent relationship between total accident rates and roadway volumes for sections of road with comparable design features operating at or below their design capacity, (3) overtaking and single-vehicle accidents account for 85% of the total accidents and 65% of the fatal accidents, (4) pedestrian accidents, 5% of the accident experience, are responsible for 17% of the fatal accidents, and (5) there is no apparent relationship between design median width and total accident rate.

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In: Highway Research Board Bulletin. 1960. No 266, pp 63-77, 1 FIG, 7 TAB, 3 REF, 1 APP

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