Cross-sector benefits of accessible public transport.

Lund, T. & Oxley, P.

This paper presents the results of two studies into the cross-sector benefits of accessible public transport (APT), carried out on behalf of TRL and to be combined into one report. The objectives of both studies were to identify and quantify any economies achievable in sectors such as the health services and local authority social services as a result of expenditure on APT services. Two main areas, identified by previous research, were considered; the effect of APT provision on the need for residential care and the relationship between mobility and the type of frequency of domiciliary services received. The research shows that there is a significant relationship between the use of domiciliary services and the degree of difficulty in using existing public transport. The paper concentrates on this relationship, examining the link between mobility and the use of domiciliary services and indicating the range of resultant cross-sector benefits. The policy implications of these results are also considered. (A)

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C 3672 (In: C 3666) /72 /10 / IRRD 860289

In: Transport for people with a mobility handicap : proceedings of seminar F (P358) held at the 20th PTRC European Transport and Planning Summer Annual Meeting, University of Manchester, England, September 14-18, 1992, p. 99-110, 4 refs.

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