Cultural lag in safety in Indonesia : a case on Yogyakarta.

Sutomo, H.

Traffic safety has not kept pace with the expansion of vehicle ownership in Indonesia. This is explained by a cultural lag in drivers and road users unable to keep pace with the impact of the increase in vehicles, changes in the road system and their interactions. Some cultural elements in Javanese traditions were investigated in relation to road and traffic safety at Yogyakarta. 50 respondents involved in accidents were studied. Human factors were responsible for 92% of accidents. This was attributed to poor driver and general education, and obtaining driving licenses by corrupt practices rather than passing a driving test. This made the transition to motorised transport hazardous for people only familiar with non-motorised transport.

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C 19434 (In: C 19422) /10 /83 / ITRD E110313

In: Transportation, traffic safety and health : human behavior : proceedings of the fourth international Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1998, p. 213-227, 8 ref.

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