Culvert durability rating systems

Kurdziel, J.M.

The culvert condition rating systems used in durability studies conducted by various private, state, and federal agencies are reviewed in this paper. The rating scales used in these studies were analysed and compared. A new material durability rating system for both metal and concrete pipe is proposed based on these comparisons. The rating scale corresponds to the one used by the national bridge inventory and inspection program. The new system will ensure that all types of culvert materials are uniformly rated in every study and will promote the development of a comprehensive data base on the durability of each product material.

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C 22133 (In: C 22117 S) /24 / IRRD 829159

In: Culverts and tiebacks : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1191, p. 132-140, 20 ref.

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