Current research and applications of fiber reinforced concrete composites in India.

Parameswaran, V.S. Krishnamoorthy, T.S. & Balasubramanian, K.

Cement and concrete matrices reinforced with randomly oriented short fibers are finding increasing applications in both precast and in situ concrete construction. Fibers made of steel, polypropylene, and glass are already being used in load-bearing structural members;attention is turning now to using organic and natural fibers as macro reinforcement in cement and concrete matrices. Research and developmental work in fiber reinforced concrete composites began in india in the early 1970s. Fiber concrete technology is no longer confined to laboratory experiments - it is used in the production of precast concrete components and for in situ strengthening and repairs of concrete structures. Current applications are for flooring and roofing components, pipes, manhole covers and frames, precast thin-wall elements, construction of blast-resistant structures, and currency vaults.

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C 15639 (In: C 15638 S) /32 / IRRD 834627

In: International symposium on recent developments in concrete fiber composites : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1226, p. 1-6, 16 ref.

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