Current situation of Weigh In Motion (WIM) systems. AUTOFORE study on the future options for roadworthiness enforcement in the European Union, workpackage WP 330.


Truck weight data have been obtained and used for many years for various reasons. Weigh-inmotion (WIM) technology has proven effective in measuring dynamic wheel forces of moving vehicles. It allows vehicles to be weighed as they are moving across the scale at speeds from 5-80 mph. Truck weight data can be used for following purposes: • Size and weight enforcement • Road design, monitoring and research • Administration and planning. WIM systems are an enhancement to intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that improve the movement of people and goods in a safer and more efficient manner. Data collection systems equipped with WIM technology help to identify problems with overloading, speed, and traffic volumes, allowing more efficient roadside inspections as well as planning future infrastructure projects and set maintenance budgets. (Author/publisher) For the final report and other Workpackages of the AUTOFORE project see

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C 39340 [electronic version only]

Brussels, International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), [2006], 9 p., 7 ref.

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