Current state of motorcycle engineering and research on the activity safety sector.

Albus, C.

During the 1980s, the active safety of motorcycles has been markedly improved due to continued technical developments in this field. This applies particulary to the improved handling characteristics (manoeuvrability, stability) by optimizing the running gear and tyres, as much as improved braking efficiency and the use of antilock systems (ALS). Based on the state of the art, an overview of the developments to be expected in the future is given, such as ALS-operating successfully on curves, traction control systems and rear-wheel-steering. A method of testing high speed stability has been developed and the possibilities of ALS-controlled braking of motorcycles in curves is studied. curves is studied. The paper concludes with a description of the research requirements and an evaluation of the safety relevance of future motorcycle techniques taking the overall system of driver/vehicle/environment into consideration.

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C 6431 (In: C 6392 c S) /91 / IRRD 866358

In: Proceedings of the conference Road safety in Europe, Berlin, Germany, September 30 - October 2, 1992, VTI rapport 380A, Part 3, p. 107-119, 15 ref.

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